Sunday, October 21, 2012

my parents come to provo

Some weekends are better than others, and this was a real good one.
To start out with, it was 1000 times less stressful than last weekend, since I have a little break between writing papers, taking tests, and writing more papers (#englishmajorprobles).
It was also the weekend of the semiannual massive group blind date. It's kind of like Secret Santa, in that a bunch of girls draw names, but instead of presents we get each other boys. Fun times. I recommend that all girls do this. Perfect way to meet new people.
I also went to some fun parties, but besides all that the absolute best part of this weekend?? My wonderful parents were here. I have the most awesome parents ever. I really do. Thanks to them my fridge is now filled with left overs for the week ahead, and my heart filled with happiness. My mum seems to be under the impression that I don't miss them when I am out at school, but she is a nut for thinking that. But, hey they'll forget they even have a third child when Baby K comes along in December, so please try not to be too worried about my parents and their empty nest.

as a side note...
I actually find it impossible to believe that this semester is halfway over.

Also, my birthday is in less than a month. commence thinking of fabulous ways to spoil me.

peace. love. and parents.

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