Recently I've had a lot of people ask "what do you like to do?" A question that I find absolutely ridiculous. I never know what to say. Ever. And then I just feel awkward. Obviously I like to do things...but I just really like to do everything. So I guess here is a bunch of the stuff that I haven't blogged about this semester, stretching back to the beginning and filling in some of the gaps that I have left. I suppose you could say that this is the stuff that I "like to do"...
Reuniting with my friends was glorious and a half. Can you believe that I was lucky enough to find this huge group of perfect girls to be friends with my freshmen year and we have all stayed together? Neither can I.
Naturally with a group of friends this big, there is always something to be celebrated. Like one of your friends birthdays (Anna's birthday dinner above) or the marriage of one of your cute friends (remember I blogged about that one. Picture from Gretchen's bridal shower below).
Of course going to BYU games is always a must. Gotta support the team. Eh?
And once it's fall, you have to participate in classic fall traditions like the corn maze....
And driving up the canyon on the Alpine Loop to experience all the incredible fall colors (since fall only lasts for like 3 weeks when you are in Utah).
For one night we even kicked it back to the Freshmen year dance party days. Mostly so we could see Neon Trees play for free. I mean, wouldn't you go?
This is what happens when you start a tradition of doing a massive group blind date. It explodes into the most biggest group date you have ever seen. At this point I think it's actually just a party with even numbers... but hey it was fun.
And, most recently. Me, Hil, and a couple friends went to see Starf'er in concert (I apologize for their odd name, but there music is clean, chill, and fun. I promise). This concert was actually unreal fun. Way good live.
Well, those are a few of the gaps that I have left this semester when blogging. I suppose now you know what I like to do. And perhaps I have a better idea now too...
peace. love. and junior year.
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