Monday, October 15, 2012

my sleep deprivation

Today after 32 lovely hours of being awake I finally got to take a nap...that pretty much turned into a sleep coma. So is the college life. Or at least the college life of someone who heavily procrastinates. Didn't realize quite how long one of my essays was going to take me so I had to pull a bit of an all nigthter last night. At around 2 a.m. a desperate redbull run was made (I was seriously desperate. I'm not usually an energy drink fan, that stuff tastes foul). So a redbull, two diet cokes, quite a bit of advil, and a 5 a.m. craving for pasta (yeah weird, I know) and I made it through the night. But, what is most important is that I got all my assignments in on time (quit judging me mom and dad...). Anyways, that is also why this post is late. Things have been rather hectic!! But, this week should be a tad bit slower and I am greatly looking forward to a tiny break between all these essays and midterms. 

bonus: Mama and Papa C are coming to town this weekend and I can't wait to see them!!!

peace. love. and sleep.

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