Wednesday, August 6, 2014

my lavender love

My friend Katie and I heard that there were lavender fields in bloom up in Mona, so we decided to take another one of our mini adventures and check them out (oh how I am happy that I have found someone who is always down for whatever/whenever). I really want to say that we were not at all disappointed and that it was the most majestic thing we had ever seen, but turns out they harvested 3/4 of their lavender fields a few days before we got there. So being flexible humans, we settled for a lavender patch. Lavender patches although not quite as amazing and not the breathtaking sight we hoped for, are still quite nice and smell absolutely lovely. Alas, maybe next year we will be at least a little more on top of things and make it to see the fields in full bloom.

Let's all wear hats and lavender in our hair every day, okay? It sounds nice to me at least.

Don't tell the people at the farm that we picked their lavender and took it home in beautiful smelling bundles. They won't miss it. It's okay.

I've started to get a lot more serious about trying to find a job, but I am going to miss this adventurous life of mine. Not that I won't be able to go on adventures, I just don't know if I am ever again going to have quite this much freedom in my life. I think the best advice I could give to anyone at the moment is to not try to grow up or get your life going too fast. It's okay to spend a summer playing in the lavenders before you try to find a job and be an adult. In a weird way I feel so blessed that I didn't get any of the internships that I was trying so hard for this summer. Instead, I have met and become friends with some of the most incredible humans on the planet, gotten tanner than I have been since I was a kid (no that still isn't very tan and I'm going to be honest I miss everyone being pale because I actually think it's prettier, SORRY), read a ton of great books, fallen way more in love with Utah, and probably all around had one of the best summers of my life.

peace. love. and lavender.

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