Sunday, November 18, 2012

my twenty one years

I TURNED 21 THIS WEEK!!!! Oh boy!! Being Mormon, turning 21 doesn't really have the same significance as it does for a lot of people, but  that doesn't mean that I wasn't really excited that it was my birthday. November 14th is one of my favorite days of the year and it certainly did not disappoint this time around. Here is the run down of how I celebrated my lovely day of birth...

Ate Einsteins in bed while watching "Scrubs"
Went to my classes (uhg not the fun part)
Found out that my cute roommate/best friend got her mission call to Costa Rica
Rented the cutest puppy in the world (yeah, renting a puppy. it's a real thing)
Had people come over and play with my rented puppy
Went out to dinner with a few close friends
Invited the whole gang to Yogurtland for a little birthday yogs
and finished off the day where I started, curled up in my bed watching "Scrubs" 

I would say that it was a pretty successful day. Wouldn't you??

 Here is the sweet puppy that I rented! He was a lab mix named Bentley and he actually crawled in my lap and fell asleep. I miss him already. And on the right is my roomie Kari with her mission call to Costa Rica. Can't believe she is leaving me next semester. I'm gunna miss her like crazy!!!        

And here is me with a few of my friends at dinner. I am so lucky to have such great friends. 

I unfortunately don't have a pic from Yogurtland, but I am super grateful to everyone of my friends who came to support me and felt so loved by the turn out.

Seriously though, I felt the love in mounds from all my friends an family. You all have no idea how much it meant to me to receive all the well wishes, hugs, cards, facebook posts, tweets, instagrams, snapchats, phone calls, and texts. I am 1000% grateful for all the people in my life that made my birthday so incredible. And can't believe that I am so lucky to have so many great people in my life not only on my 21st birthday, but everyday of the year. Here's to many more birthdays that are just as fantastic as this one. 

peace. love. and birthday.

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