Sunday, September 30, 2012

my goodbye to the best dog ever

I can't quite figure out how to put this, but my sweet doggy, Blizzard, died last weekend. It was tough to hear especially since I was away at college for his last years, but I still miss the little guy like crazy. He was honestly the best dog anyone ever could of hoped for. It is probably one of the most vivid memories from my six year old days of going and picking him out at the puppy farm and contemplating names on the way home. He was a sweet heart when we got him and a sweet heart when he moved on, and I can't imagine what it is going to be like to go home and not have him there. I've been thinking of all my best memories of him this past week. He was one of those dogs that even people who didn't like dogs liked. Bless his heart for always being filled with nothing but love. You are about to get overloaded with pictures of the best little doggie in the world, and I give no apologies for it.

 Just look at him. He always looked like a q-tip right after he got a haircut...

 Makes sense that he loved the snow. His name was Blizzard after all.

 Literally one of my favorite pictures ever. Blizzard wasn't actually allowed on the furniture...woops.

 See. The little guy was a part of the family.

 Buddy, I'm really sorry about that one time that I stacked all your toys on you when you were trying to sleep. But it was funny, don't ya think?

Well. Here's to the best dog ever. I'm sure that my pet rat Samantha and him have become good friends in know now that Blizzard doesn't want to eat her. 

Wish I could have just one last snuggle with my best friend Blizzard. 

peace. love. and Blizzard

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