Sunday, September 16, 2012

my friend Gretch gets hitched. oh boy

So we have been making bets since Freshmen year as to "who would be the first to get married" and this weekend my sweet Gretchen won. I met her my very first week at BYU and have been friends with her ever since so it is absolutely wild to me that she is married now, but I am SO incredibly happy for her because I know that she is SO incredibly happy. Her wedding was a blast and a half, since you know it was kind of like a big dance party with all the friends that I would have hung out that night anyways.

 These are my fantastic, wonderful, any great adjective that you can think to describe them roommates. #ilovethem

 And on the left is the bride. Doesn't Gretchen look perfect? Mostly cause she is perfect. It's whateves. And on the right is my fellow southern bell Alison. I adore her. Completely. 

Obvs we were having a great time. #partytime #imsingle #isthatembaressingtosayhere?

I don't know clearly I'm feeling the hashtag thing right now. #sorryimnotsorry (follow me on twitter @cronqie)

In other news, BYU lost in the holy war against the Utes, but at least it was a good game. 
Also, there was the most spectacular sunset tonight. 

This picture doesn't do it justice. But it was fantastic. Literally. 

So I guess that's about it. Wait what? You thought I was going to write a whole blog post without mentioning India once? That's weird. Well, today was my month mark of being back in the US. Longest I have been here since January. I feel like I was there yesterday. I glow just thinking of going back :)

well anyways.

peace. love. and mawiage. 

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