So we have been making bets since Freshmen year as to "who would be the first to get married" and this weekend my sweet Gretchen won. I met her my very first week at BYU and have been friends with her ever since so it is absolutely wild to me that she is married now, but I am SO incredibly happy for her because I know that she is SO incredibly happy. Her wedding was a blast and a half, since you know it was kind of like a big dance party with all the friends that I would have hung out that night anyways.
These are my fantastic, wonderful, any great adjective that you can think to describe them roommates. #ilovethem
And on the left is the bride. Doesn't Gretchen look perfect? Mostly cause she is perfect. It's whateves. And on the right is my fellow southern bell Alison. I adore her. Completely.
Obvs we were having a great time. #partytime #imsingle #isthatembaressingtosayhere?
I don't know clearly I'm feeling the hashtag thing right now. #sorryimnotsorry (follow me on twitter @cronqie)
In other news, BYU lost in the holy war against the Utes, but at least it was a good game.
Also, there was the most spectacular sunset tonight.
This picture doesn't do it justice. But it was fantastic. Literally.
So I guess that's about it. Wait what? You thought I was going to write a whole blog post without mentioning India once? That's weird. Well, today was my month mark of being back in the US. Longest I have been here since January. I feel like I was there yesterday. I glow just thinking of going back :)
well anyways.
peace. love. and mawiage.
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