Really, maybe this sounds insane, but I'm still having a really hard time not being in India. But, a friend who is still in India posted this quote on Facebook today from Thomas S. Monson (the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
"We have all experienced times when our focus in on what we lack rather than on our blessings. Said the Greek philosopher Epictetus, 'He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.'" Thomas S. Monson
Well, I think these past few weeks I have been falling into the category of a foolish man. Time to stop being sad that I am not in India and focus on how wonderful it is to be here at Brigham Young University, eh?
So, what is so great about being back?
Well, it's good to be learning again. I for sure had to clear some cob webs out of my brain because I hadn't really been in school for about 8 months prior to this. oh wow. (I might not be thinking it is so great to be learning again though when it comes to my first test...or goodness gracious first essay!)
Also, I'm back on the social scene, but I am pretty sure I am currently socially awkward. It's all good though, I'll eventually feel normal here again? wait...I've always been a little socially awkward...ok who knows. I'm back to meeting people and what not though, so I guess that's cool. And the people I have met are cool, so that's cool
Lastly, it has come to my attention, that it is time to join a gym. After going to an iPod dance party and feeling like I just died after a little over 30 mins of ridiculous dancing (really ridiculous, it's kind of the point of an iPod dance party), I realized I should probably start kickin' it into shape. Back to real life, back to being fit! Ok, so the gym options in Provo seem to be Golds Gym or 24 Hour Fitness. I have been trying to figure out which one would be better to join and asking around, but if you are a member of either of these gyms or have some advice, give me a holler. I need your help here friends.
peace. love. and readjusting
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