Monday, February 3, 2014

my figure it out Fridays

I don't have classes on Fridays which must be one of the best things that ever happened to me. Finally the English department has gotten their junk together and decided to start moving towards having no classes on Fridays. Since I have this whole extra wonderful day to get things done, I have just this past week deemed Friday, Figure It Out Friday. Since really trying to figure my life out is on my mind pretty much constantly, I thought that maybe if I dedicated a whole day to it, it would make me feel a little less mind explodingly stressed out.

So, what kind of activities happen on Figure It Out Friday?

go to the temple (my personal favorite part)
look up jobs/internships
apply for jobs/internships (my personal least favorite part)
work on making my resume perfect
work on making my portfolio perfect
email people about jobs
run errands
work on school assignments
go for drives (because I get stressed by Figure It Out Fridays and some
times I just need to relax)
and sometimes I get myself lunch (because figuring out life is hard
and I deserve it, ok?!)
and just oh so much more

Even with this whole day that I am dedicating to getting stuff figured out, it is still tough!!! Seriously what do people do with their lives when they leave college? Would someone like to employ me?? Please??? I would really like that. But, for real. If your company or a company that you know of is looking for editors or writers, I am very qualified. Since I don't edit my blog super thoroughly maybe that doesn't seem true, but in real life I'm a great editor. Trust me!

Remember that show from the 90s on Nickelodeon, Figure It Out? Don't you wish figuring your life out was like that? They just put up some blanks on a giant head, gave you clues, and then if you guessed the right words than you won really cool prizes like new roller blades? In other words why is my life not a 90s Nickelodeon game show? Instead I must dedicate an entire day, and in reality all of my brain all day everyday, to trying to "figure it out." But, let's be honest, I'm pretty sure there is almost no one who has it all figured it out. Even if you think you do, I'm sorry, but you don't (but actually if you do, tell me your secrets please).

Now, excuse me, I am going to go and try really hard to stop stressing out and try to save it for Figure It Out Friday. I'm doing my absolute best to trust that everything is going to work itself out for the best and some days that is easier than others. Woof. No matter how stressed out I get though...

this is my life and I'm happy to be living it.

peace. love. and Friday.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this. Having Fridays off was the absolute best. Too bad being in the real world is scary and no one will employ me therefore every single day is "figure it out day" for me.
    Love you!

