Sunday, January 5, 2014

my year ahead

At the beginning of fall semester the morning of my first classes, I still hadn't decided which classes I was going to take so I took to my group text with my mom and sisters to see which class they thought I should go to. One of my sisters told me to just follow my feet. I really don't think that she intended for this to be advice that I would carry through the rest of the semester, but since I've been having a lot of trouble making decisions lately, I kind of just latched onto it. I've taken this to mean just do things, don't think too much about it, if it feels like something you should do, just do it. This has led me to make some great great decisions and some wait, yeah, that was really dumb decisions. But, really I don't regret any of them because I've been realizing that I am entering the real world really soon and if I'm going to do some dumb stuff, I might as well do it now. This probably isn't the greatest theory in life, but hey, I guess that's where I've been at.

So, I guess this leads me to where I am now, starting out another year. Hi 2014. I have high hopes for me liking this year more than last year, but I also don't feel like it is going to be too tough of one to beat. This is also pretty much the weirdest start to a year I have ever had, because usually I know exactly what I am going to be doing with my year, where I will be, and what plan-able major events are going to happen. This year...well I know that I am going to graduate in April....after that, who knows cause goodness gracious I certainly don't.

In 2012, I had this incredible Eat (Paris/backpacking), Pray (India), Love (finding balance back home) year and what have I done with that? Yes, it made me a better person in 2012, but I don't necessarily think I did a great job letting those lessons keep going, so instead I think I relearned them the hard way in 2013. So in 2014 I want to stop letting myself learn things the hard way and start pulling myself together. It's probably about time.

This uncertainty that I have about my year ahead makes it a little tricky for me to set specific goals (of course I will set some, but I have elected to not post them this go around) so instead, I just have a thought to get myself started on the new year. We went to the MLK museum in Atlanta on one of our Cronquist family field trips when I was home over winter break, and I was struck by one of his quotes that was carved into a placard outside. "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of selfishness. This is the judgement. Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?" This is just a thought for me (and maybe you too) to chew on as I adventure into 2014. As much as I am stressed/excited/nervous/happy about the chances in the new year, I must remember that it's not all about me.

Goodbye 2013. It's time to move onto a new year that will hopefully bring more joy than sadness and love in every lesson cause that's really all you can hope for in a year right? 2014 is a year of uncertainty, but in uncertainty there is great opportunity, so I'm feeling like this could be quite grand.

peace. love. and opportunity.

