Sunday, December 8, 2013

my snow days

I am so so stressed out about all of the papers that I have due, but at least one thing in my world is going absolutely right even if everything else is confusing and stressful, and that is that I have caught the Christmas bug. I started listening to Christmas music this week (mostly the She & Him Christmas album on repeat), and I hung up Christmas lights in my room, and it is snowy and beautiful outside, and I just couldn't be feeling the Christmas spirit anymore than I already am (ok maybe I actually could if it weren't for finals). The world just seems to become a slightly more cozy place to live in around Christmas time though, doesn't it?

We've had a lot of snow in Utah this week, and I have heard a lot of people say that they hate the snow. I have to admit, that sentiment has escaped me at times too, but honestly how could I not relish in anything so beautiful. I have been obsessing over the giant icicles hanging outside my window, and I cannot ever get over how gorgeous and peaceful falling snow looks. I may seem a little grumbly when I am walking to school and it is dumping snow on me, but that is only because my face is numb from the cold, and ones ability to have a positive attitude virtually disappears when faced with a numb face.

This is what my walk to school looks like now. I pretty much just slide my way to campus and try not to look like a waddling penguin, but hey I have still yet to completely eat it (knock on wood), so I guess that's an accomplishment. 

Like I said, you cannot deny that snow is absolutely stunning no matter how many times you slip. 
Can't wait to get to the actual Christmas celebrating, but I must make my way through all these papers first. So, here's to just a little bit longer of too much work, feeling overwhelmed, and being utterly confused (no actually I don't think that one is going to end with the semester....I think that's just a young adult thing....or a life thing).

peace. love. and white Christmases. 



    1. Two things I love! Foxes and snow. haha so great.

    2. Foxes are the coolest, thoroughly obsessed. I tried to find one of a fox drinking diet coke in the snow but I had to settle for second best for ya.

    3. Ahh that would have been so perfect! Glad to know you are a fellow fox lover; they really are the greatest :)

