I remember one time in kindergarten talking to some kids in the class, and in true child form all attempting to one up each other. We were talking about how many days we had been alive. Now since we were all about six we all would have been alive for about 2,190 days. This number as a six year old is practically unfathomable. We were all throwing out numbers like 80 because apparently that seemed much more reasonable to us. One kid ventured to say that he has been alive for 100 days. Impossible. I was actually certain that this was impossible. I clearly did not have a very accurate sense of time yet. 100 seemed like such a huge number and really it still does. That is why I am so proud to say that this is my 100th blog post. Impossible your six year old self says? Well it's not.
This is really my 100th post on this blog!! I am amazed that I have kept up posting every week (shh shh, I know I'm late today). I have loved adventuring through the blog-o-sphere and coming up with posts for each week. Sometimes I know on Monday what I want to post about the next Sunday and I get really excited about writing it, and other times I have no idea and I have to think extra hard. But, that's what has been so fun about keeping this blog. I feel like I have learned a lot about myself, and I suppose anyone who ever reads my blog probably finds out more than they ever need to know haha.
This is really my 100th post on this blog!! I am amazed that I have kept up posting every week (shh shh, I know I'm late today). I have loved adventuring through the blog-o-sphere and coming up with posts for each week. Sometimes I know on Monday what I want to post about the next Sunday and I get really excited about writing it, and other times I have no idea and I have to think extra hard. But, that's what has been so fun about keeping this blog. I feel like I have learned a lot about myself, and I suppose anyone who ever reads my blog probably finds out more than they ever need to know haha.
Here's to another 100 posts.
My sister pointed out that such an occasion deserved balloons. Since I received no real balloons for the occasion, here are some virtual ones.
We can pretend like this massive balloon release was in my honor.
peace. love. and 100.
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